Thursday, June 9, 2016

Caffeine - Health Benefits & Risk Factors

Many people feel like we are unable to function without our first cup of coffee in the morning hours. Why do we feel that way? Does the caffeine in the coffee physiologically affect our body? Provided that this is true, is it destructive or is it useful? Similarly as with so many things, there are advantages and there are risks.

Caffeine, the key ingredient present in coffee is a stimulant. It causes your heart rate to increase, your pupils to dilate, and your muscles to tighten up. Caffeine infuses adrenalin into your system to give you a boost and make you feel great.

Benefits Of Caffeine
Believe it or not, certain measures of caffeine can have beneficial impacts. Generally, small amounts of caffeine have been used to help control weight, alleviate pain, open up airways for enhanced breathing, and overcome chronic fatigue.

Small amounts of caffeine are found to provide the accompanying benefits:
·         Research indicates that caffeine may help protect human brain cells, which lowers the risk of developing some diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
·         Regular cups of coffee may stimulate the gallbladder and reduce the risk of gallstones.
·         Caffeine causes blood vessels to constrict, which may help relieve some headache pain.
·         Coffee minimizes inflammation and it may help prevent certain heart related problems.
·         Can benefit people who are at high-risk for liver disease
·         Increases muscles strength
·         Increases metabolism by breaking down fat, freeing fatty acids and forcing them to be burned
·         Minimize asthma symptoms

Risks of Caffeine
Two cups of coffee a day is considered an acceptable amount. Caffeine does not become an issue until you start consuming an excessive amount of it. As your body gets used to caffeine, it becomes addicted to it. The side effects for drinking an excess of caffeine withdrawal are very similar.

Excess Caffeine - Too much caffeine can cause an array of problems including:
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Heartburn
  • Headaches (sometimes severe)
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleeplessness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Nausea

If you have high cholesterol or you are caffeine sensitive, pregnant or a child (or a parent of one), you should pay attention to coffee drinking.

For others, reasonable amounts (1-6 cups a day) coffee can be good for you. It can prevent serious diseases, boost your mind and muscles, and even help you with weight loss. Remember, as long as you drink toxin free, specialty coffee and brew it with care, you can and should be enjoying it knowing it's good for you. If you took the time to read this article, please share it so your friends will get it right, too.


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