Friday, July 15, 2016

Crispy Corn Recipe

During monsoon we all love to have roasted corn cobs. In India we can see vendors and stalls selling roasted corn on every side and corners of the road. In a tiny pan they lit some coal and roast tender corn cobs and rub with a generous amount of lemon juice, chilli and salt. Even though we can easily make this at home yet amusing to purchase it from a road stall and enjoy it in rainy day is totally different.

Corn can be used in several ways; you can make diverse sorts of curries and side dishes, simple and Tasty pulao, crispy snacks or just deep fry them to make them crispy corn kernels. 

Crispy Corn, this recipe features an outburst of crunch and flavor. Rice flour and corn flour aid to bind the boiled corn kernels and masalas. The masala coated corn is deep fried till golden and crisp. Onions add a crunch, while the chaat masala and lemon juice brings a dazzling chatpata, chaat mouth-feel to the Crispy Corn.

Total Time: 25 minutes
Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2

2 sweet Corn cobs
2 tbsp. Corn flour
2 tbsp. All-Purpose Flour
½ tsp. Pepper Powder
¼ tsp. Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying
2 Chopped Green chillies chopped
2 Chopped Garlic cloves
1 chopped onion
½ tsp. Soya Sauce

Preparation Method:
1.      Pressure cooks the corn cobs up to 5 long whistles in salted water.
2.      Remove the cobs from water and shred the corn kernels and collect them on a flat plate.
3.      Take the corn into a bowl, add salt, pepper powder and mix well. Add corn flour, all purpose flour and mix so that flours coat the corn.
4.      Heat oil for deep frying. When oil is hot, sprinkle handful of corn in the oil and fry the corn until crispy. This will take about 3-4 minutes on medium - high to high flame. Repeat the same till completed.
5.      Once the corn is crispy, remove from oil and drain on a paper towel.
6.      Once all the corn is fried, take 1-2 tsp. oil in a separate pan for the tempering. Can use the same oil in which the corn was fried.
7.      Add chopped garlic, green chillies and saute for few seconds. Add onions, soya sauce, salt and mix well.
8.      Add fried corn and mix well until the tempering coats the corn. Fry for few more seconds.
9.      Transfer to a serving bowl and serve hot.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Almond / Badam Milk

Most of the people have no idea that Almond milk is more beneficial and nutritious than ordinary dairy milk.

The benefits associated with almond milk are endless, especially for those looking to lose weight.  It has excellent low caloric value, with an 8 oz serving of Plain (which has no additional sugar) just containing around 60 calories, which has a much lower impact on your daily calorie consumption than skim milk.  It is rich in vitamins, and also boasts an impressive dosage of bone-building calcium.

4 cups whole milk
25 almonds
6 tablespoons sugar
5 cardamom pods
Pinch of saffron
1/4 teaspoon rosewater
Saffron, edible rose petals and crushed almonds for garnish

Preparation Method:
1.      Soak the almonds in water for at least two hours then remove their skin.
2.      In a food processor or blender, blend the almonds with 1/4 cup of the milk until the mixture reaches a grainy paste-like consistency. Set aside.
3.      Over low heat, utilize a metal ladle to toast the saffron. Once the saffron dries out and becomes aromatic, crush it into a powder. Put aside.
4.      Make use of a mortar and pestle to crush the cardamom seeds into a powder. Put aside.
5.      Add the remaining milk and the almond paste to a saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Mix continually so that the milk does not burn.
6.      When the milk gets to a boil minimize the heat to low, adds the sugar and the spices, and keeps on cooking for 20 minutes mixing continually, allowing the milk to thicken.
7.      Take away from heat, add the rosewater and let cool. Once cooled to room temperature, place in the refrigerator to chill.
8.      Once chilled, fill a glass and topping with saffron strands, consumable flower petals, and smashed almonds. Serve.

Health Benefits of Almond/Badam Milk
1. It helps with weight management
2. It keeps your heart healthy
3. It keeps your bones strong
4. It keeps your skin glowing
5. It barely impacts your blood sugar
6. It contributes to muscle strength and healing
7. It keeps your digestion in check
8. It doesn’t contain lactose
9. It tastes better than cow’s milk

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Methi Chicken Curry

Murgh methi is a dish prepared with chicken combined with fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves.  It is the distinct flavor of the fresh methi that gives a unique taste and enhances the flavor to the chicken. The aroma of the dish is very aromatic and intoxicating.

Fenugreek proves to be a very good agent in reducing bad cholesterol from the body. It purifies blood and helps in flushing out the harmful toxins. Fenugreek seeds are useful in improving memory power too. This herb is very effective in losing weight. The fiber in fenugreek fills the stomach, even when consumed in a little amount. They help prevent wrinkles, blackheads, pimples, dryness and rashes. Not only does fenugreek help prevent hair loss, it helps preventing dandruff, keeps the hair lice free and make it black and shiny.

Methi chicken is protein enriched chicken cooked with fresh methi leaves rich in calcium, potassium and iron. It’s a healthy dish, looks beautiful and tastes delicious. Normally fresh fenugreek leaves are best but if not available they also use the Kasoori methi (dried fenugreek leaves) to prepare the Methi chicken.

Chicken- ½ kg
Oil-2 tbsp
Oinion-2 nos
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Tomato- 2 nos
Turmeric powder- ½ tsp
Chilly powder-2 tsp
Coriander powder- 1 ½ tsp
Garam masala powder- ½ tsp
Salt - to taste
Methi leaves (fresh or dried) – ½ cup

Preparation Method:
  1. Heat oil in a non-stick pan; sauté onions until transparent
  2. Add ginger garlic paste and sauté until raw smell goes off.
  3. Add chopped tomato pieces and sauté until mashed well.
  4. Add Turmeric all the powders one by one after mixing well in each addition.
  5. Add chicken pieces and salt.
  6. Cook covered for 15 minutes (stir occasionally).
  7. Add ¼ cup of boiling water in to it and cook for another 10minutes until oil floats on top.
  8. Add methi leaves in to the curry.
  9. Mix well for a minute and switch off the flame.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Dark circles are blemishes and are a consequence of anaemia, sensitivities, hyper-pigmentation, lack of hydration, smoking or lack of sleep. Whatever may be the cause, treating under eye darkness is not simply shallow. Cosmetics can save you however is an impermanent fix. Use these natural homemade remedies for a more long-term solution.

Almond Oil
Rich in vitamin E, almond oil saturates the flimsy skin under the eyes, and lessens the presence of almost negligible differences and crow's feet. Before going to bed, apply almond oil under your eyes, and wash it off in the morning. Make it daily habit.

Mint Leaves
Mint leaves have a cooling impact on the skin, minimizing the irritation and puffiness. They also refresh the blood veins and ease circulation. Make a paste of the mint leaves and apply to the under eye zone, and then gently clean it off following 10-15 minutes.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, vitamin C, retinol which assist to open up blood veins and enhance cell development. This thusly helps the skin and de-tans as well. Make a paste of 1 tsp tomato juice, ½ tsp of lemon squeeze, a pinch of turmeric and gram flour. Apply it under the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash it out it off.

Chamomile Tea Bags:
Soak a few chamomile tea bags in boiling hot water and flush it in cool water. Make an eye pack and place it on your eyes. Keep it on for 20 minutes, and wash the region with plain water. This is an exceptionally viable strategy to reduce dark circles around the eyes.

Lemon Juice:
Simply like potato, lemon juice works as bleaching agent properties. Vitamin C will evacuate the dark circles around the eyes. You can put a cotton ball dipped in freshly squeezed lemon juice on the influenced area. Keep it on for fifteen minutes and rinse it off with normal water. Repeat to see results.

Cucumber has skin lightening agents and acts as the best astringent. Cucumber is speedy in treating dark circles and one can depend on it totally for this reason. It is a decent skin toner also. Cut the cucumber into thick slices make them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Take away and spot them on the influenced region for at least 10 minutes. Rinse it off with ordinary water. It will give you the best respite from dark circles. . It is a common remedy used to tone the skin. This doesn't just evacuate dark circles yet unwinds the eyes.

Raw Potato:
Potato contains natural bleaching agents, which will help to lessen the dark circles and eliminates the puffiness nearby the eyes. What you have to do is, take two chilled potatoes and extract its juice. You can cut them into pieces, mix them and sieve it. Take a cotton ball and dip it into the potato juice. Smooth the cotton balls with your fingers and place it on the dark circles. Ensure that the juice spreads on the damaged area. Keep it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cool water.