Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Home Remedies To Lighten Dark Knees & Elbows

Do your elbows and knees look dark and scruffy? Once pigmentation happens on these areas of the skin, clean-up with soap doesn't typically facilitate one get a fair skin tone. Here are a number of natural remedies that may help one lighten the skin tone on elbows and knees.

Lemon has natural bleaching properties which may help even skin tone. Apply the juice of a lemon on these areas, rub gently and leave on for ten minutes. Wash with warm water. Repeat this for a few of weeks and see the results.

Curd is known to be a great moisturizer. In any case, very few realize that sour curd may also help lighten one's skin tone. Add a teaspoon of vinegar and gram flour to bitter curd, and apply the mixture on the affected region. Wash after 15 minutes with lukewarm water. Mix baking soda with milk to induce a thick paste. Apply the paste on your elbows and knees and wash after 5 minutes. Try this once a week for 2 months.

Aloe vera makes the skin supple. Tear open a tissue Aloe vera leaf, and apply the pulp on harsh skin. Leave on for around 20 minutes and wash with cold water. Beat up with an aloe vera lotion. To diminish harsh skin, massage gently on influenced areas with coconut or olive oil and after that go for a warm shower. Try not to apply cleanser. Simply flush and pat dry. You can press in a couple drops of lemon squeeze in the water as well. You’ll be able to squeeze in an exceedingly few drops of juice within the water too.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Winter Skin Care Tips for Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common complaint during this winter season. The cold and dry winter air sucks the life out of your skin. There are several over-the-counter solutions - lotions and moisturizers - available to combat dry skin. However why spend such a lot money when you can nourish your skin at home. Natural remedies are not only lightweight on the pocket, as well as quite effective in hydrating dry skin and taking it back to a healthy state. Here are a couple of, basic tricks you can try.

Olive Oil
Use of Olive oil is one among the foremost common skincare tips. It contains several antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that are good for your skin. It will soothe and condition dry skin in winter everywhere on your body. About 30 minutes before taking your shower, rub some olive oil on your hands, legs and different areas that suffer from dry skin and massage gently. Take a shower and after that apply a light moisturizer. You can additionally mix 2 tablespoons of oil, 4 tablespoons of fine sugar, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Rub this homemade scrub on your dry skin with circular motion for a couple of minutes. Take a shower and then apply a light moisturizer cream.

If your itchy, first go to the refrigerator and get a litre of milk. Pour it into a bowl or basin. Dip a clean cloth within the cold milk, and apply it to your skin for 5 minutes. Milk has medication properties that always take the itch away. It stops the itch-scratch cycle. It additionally contains lactic acid, that heals your dry skin.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the best winter healthy skin care tips involves a plant that grows in most homes. Cut a bit of aloe, crush all the gel out and apply to irritated skin. It will nourish your skin and form a protective layer that will keep impurities from entering your pores. The gel is probably going to leave your skin feeling tight. So put on some lotion somewhat later.
It will saturate your skin and shape a defensive layer that will keep polluting influences from entering your pores.

Coconut Oil
You are probably to suffer from dry, irritated skin in winter on the heels, hands and elbows. An overnight spot treatment on these skin regions with coconut oil can bring about much change by the following morning. Soak in a very lukewarm bathtub till your fingers shrivel and appearance cropped. This demonstrates the skin is full hydrated. Pat your skin dry, however leave it slightly damp. Put a thick layer of coconut oil on the heels, hands and elbows, covering the lubricated areas with socks, gloves and long sleeved pajama best, and go to bed. You ought to have enhanced skin in the morning.

Oatmeal Bath
Oatmeal has been utilized to treat skin for a number of thousand years. What’s more, even science says that it’s effective for its moisturizing, cleansing, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory properties, particularly to treat dry skin in winter. But how do you use oatmeal, especially in a bath? 

Blend one cup of dry oatmeal (use plain instant, quick oats) in a blender until you have got a fine powder. Dissipate the blend into a bathtub with running water. Swirl the water together with your hand a number of times for even distribution. This will likewise separate any lumps on the base of the tub. Soak within the bathtub for 15 to 20 minutes and pat yourself dry once you get out.

So you never go back
All these home skincare cures won't have much effect unless you do them regularly. When you stop you are probably going to have a dry skin. That is the reason it is critical you utilize a rich lotion to shield your skin and keep it from drying out. Make saturating, alongside conditioning and cleaning, an a portion of your healthy skin care routine every day as soon as you step out of the shower. spread your skin from top to toe with a rich, creamy lotion.

Here are some more winter healthy skin care tips: Avoid very hot showers and pick a gentle body wash instead of a drying soap bar. Increment your water admission to hydrate your body and to likewise moisturize your skin from the inside out.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

3 Natural Home Remedies for Dry Cough

A dry cough is nerve-racking, both for you and the company you keep. It’s the one you urgently need stopped because it is not only physically uncomfortable as well as mentally excruciating. Brought on by allergies, dry air, irregular throat tickles that won’t leave, a result of a cool, tidy and so forth, it can be treated with homemade demulcents - ingredients that soothe irritated mucous membranes and take away the infliction triggering the cough. However, the most effective bit about natural cures is that it additionally tastes an entire sight higher than icky, sleep-inducing cough syrups. Here are three of my most loved blends:

Liquorice Root Tea
Liquorice root is both a medicinal drug and demulcent. It at the same time soothes your airways while loosening and diminishing mucous, easing congestion or easing an inflammation that will have your throat irritated. 
Here’s the way it works: Use two tablespoons of dried liquorice root and 240 ml of fresh water. Heat up the water, pour it over the licorice root in a mug; keep it soaks for 15 minutes and after that day by day drink the mixture twice per day, every day.

Tea Thyme
Thyme relaxes the muscles of the trachea and bronchi, furthermore opens up airways. It leads to lesser coughing and inflated comfort. 

Here’s how it works: Use 2 tablespoons of gently ground dried thyme and pour it more than 240 ml of boiling water, cover and let it soak for roughly about 15 minutes. You can drink this blend thrice a day and for that additional flavor, you will use either honey or a spritz of lemon juice.

Ginger Peppermint Syrup
Spicy or Hot ginger is an excellent expectorator as it releases and remove mucous from the lungs and ease up on the sore prickle, which generally triggers bouts of dry cough while the peppermint helps in hoisting the exasperating tickle of a cough. 
Here's the means how it works: Chop 3 tablespoons of ginger alongside one tablespoon of peppermint and blend it to 4 cups of boiling water. Let the brew simmer until it's reduced to 0.5 the amount. Strain it and let it settle down slightly. Then add one cup of honey and stir it till it dissolves fully. Take the bottle and filled it with your prepared mixture and have one tablespoon for every few hours as needed to ease your cough. . you'll be able to refrigerate it up to 3 weeks.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Eggless Banana Pressure Cooker Cake

Eggless Banana Cake Recipe - a one bowl cake recipe of banana which is eggless as well as vegan. A quick and easy recipe which gives light, soft and moist cake.

Ripe Banana - 4 nos
Sugar - 1 1/4 cup
Butter - 2 tbsp (melted)
Vanilla Essence - 2 tsp
All purpose flour/Maida - 2 1/2 cups
Cinnamon powder - 2 tsp
Baking powder - 2 tsp
Baking soda - 1 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Milk - 1/2 cup
Curd/Yogurt - 1/4 cup
Walnuts/Roasted Cashew nuts
(Use 2 Eggs for an Egg cake)

Preperation Method: 
1. Take a bowl - Add banana, sugar, butter, vanilla essence & Mix well
2. Mix dry ingredients: Maida, cinnamon powder, baking powder, baking soda & salt
3. Now blend the dry and wet ingredients
4. Gradually add milk and curd to the blend. Your cake batter is ready
5. Grease the cake-tin/vessel and dust with flour
6. Spread the batter evenly to 2/3 of the tin
7. In a pressure cooker add enough water. Place a small vessel also with water and rest the tin/vessel
8. Steam cook (with out the weight) for 1 hour 30 minutes
9. Let the cake rest inside the cooker for another 1 hour, then remove, slice & serve :)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

20 Natural Remedies for Strong Hair

Spending a lot on costly shampoos, yet not getting the desired results that you find in TV promotions? It is for the most part conceivable and exceptionally regular, since we see excessively overstated results on TV, since these advertisements are intended to attract customers.

In any case, reality talks an alternate story. Rather than spending on those branded shampoos and conditioners, Dr. Sandeep - Hair Restoration and Skin Rejuvenation specialist at Hair resuscitate, Mumbai, shares some common approaches to get awesome hair. Take after these simple and basic excellence tips for hair to give that gloss and sparkle, and flaunt your hair like the models do...

1. Egg treatment
Utilize the whole egg to condition your hair. If you have dry or fragile hair, use egg whites to saturate your hair. Utilize ½ measure of any egg blend and apply to spotless, clammy hair. Abandon it for 20 minutes and wash with cool water. Attempt this a standout amongst the best magnificence tips for hair and notice the change.

2. Cleanliness is essential
The most important reason behind hair fall is dandruff and itchy scalp. In this manner, keep up great cleanliness for lovely and healthy hair.

3. Avoid hot water
Skip hot water showers, because hot water will make your hair dry and brittle as it strips protective oils from your hair. Thus, prefer a temperature which is just a bit warmer than your body temperature.

4. Bottle gourd treatment
Extract some bottle gourd juice and apply it into your hair. Keep this solution for half an hour and wash it off altogether. This is one of the basic hair tips that would do wonders.

5. For that shiny soft hair
Set up a blend of 1 cup of your daily conditioner and 2-3 tablespoons of nectar (honey). Apply this blend uniformly on your wet hair. Abandon it for 30 minutes and wash it off completely. This blend will shut down your hair's cuticle and give your hair that astounding sparkle.

6. Baking soda therapy
One of the excellence tips for hair is Baking soda treatment. Make a blend of 3 tbsp. of baking soda and some water. Wash your hair with this solution after shampooing. Give it a chance to set in for no less than 5 minutes before the last rinse. This treatment will evacuate the abundance cleanser and styling item from your hair.

7. For bouncy hair
Apply a coordinated blend of warm water and apple juice vinegar to your hair. Flush it completely following 5 minutes to dispose of the apple juice smell.

8. Don't wash your hair regularly
Wash your hair every 2-3 days, for legitimate control of regular and natural hair oils. Washing your hair less frequently will likewise recapture your hair's natural body and gloss.

9. Make your conditioner
For a protein stuffed conditioner, blend eggs and yogurt and rub it into your scalp. Leave on for five or 10 minutes, and afterward wash it off totally.

10. Say bye-bye to dull hair with lemon juice
After the last wash, apply 1 tbsp lemon juice to your hair. Just towel dry your hair and style as typical to dispose of dry hair.

11. For strong hair
Use almond oil to treat dry and harmed hair. It is an exceptionally basic methodology; pour some almond oil in a bowl and warmth it for 40 seconds. At that point equitably appropriate on your hair. Abandon it for 30 minutes and after that flush regularly with cleanser and conditioner utilizing frosty (cold) water.

12. Use protection before you jump into the pool
Pools can do great harm to your hair as it contains cruel chemicals. Keep your hair from the pool damage by essentially applying a little conditioner to your hair before you swim. This one of the significant excellence tips for hair will secure your hair before they interact with the pool water.

13. Treat sun damaged hair
Make a blend of ½ cup honey, 1-2 tbsp olive oil and 1-2 tbsp of egg yolk. Apply this blend on your hair for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water. This treatment will renew keratin protein bonds.

14. Tight is NO-NO
To prevent breakage due to brittle hair avoid using bands and do not tie your hair too tightly.

15. The proper brushing technique
Avoid using a brush with plastic abounds to keep hair breakage from friction based electricity. The most ideal approach to brush your hair is by first brushing the finishes to evacuate tangles and afterward take the long stirs from the roots of the hair to the ends. This method will help legitimate spreading of common hair oil and consequently prevent breakage.

16. Moisturize your hair
Pour a little brew in your wet hair. Distribute evenly and rub your scalp with your fingers for 20 minutes. At that point wash it completely to dispose of the lager smell. Do these method once every week for salon smooth hair. Dr. Suttar says - it is suggested that individuals with sinus and cold should avoid using this treatment.  

17. Trim your hair consistently
Get your hair trimmed at least every six weeks to reduce dry and split ends.

18. Don’t brush wet hair
Wet hair is three times weaker and subsequently more inclined to break. He prescribes, towel dry your hair first and after that delicately detangle your hair using a wide tooth brush.

19. Let your hair air-dry
Allow your hair to dry without anyone else's input as opposed to utilizing a blow-dryer or hot rollers. Using this counterfeit method of drying procedure will make your hair more fragile and dry. If you have no time to give your hair a chance to air dry, then use blow-dryer sparingly and ensure you utilize a warm setting rather than a hot setting.

20. Good diet
Drink loads of water and eat a healthy diet of raw fruits and vegetables. The best home treatment for hair care is a healthy diet. For getting healthy, the kind of food you eat is everything, and what you put into your body will be thought about the outside

Friday, September 30, 2016

Make Best Soft Rasmalai Recipe at Home

Rasmalai is a Bengali delicacy that is very popular among Indian sweet lovers which is made with spongy cottage cheese balls dunked into aromatic milk syrup known as ‘Ras’. It is one of the best Indian sweet desserts. This recipe is very easy to make best soft Rasmalai t home.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes |  Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Serves: 6 servings (12 pieces)

Ingredients for Malai Pattie

1 litre Milk
2 tablespoons Lemon Juice
1½ cups Sugar
4 cups Water

For Rabri:
1 litre Milk
3 tablespoons Sugar
1 teaspoon Corn flour (corn starch), optional
10-12 Saffron strands (Kesar), optional
1/4 teaspoon Green Cardamom Powder
2-3 tablespoons chopped Pistachio

Preparation Method for Malai Pattie:

1.       Make fresh Paneer using 1-liter milk and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. 

2.       Take clean cheesecloth and tie paneer in it. Squeeze it gently to remove excess water and hang it over the hook (or tap) for around 30-45 minutes to drain the excess water. 

3.       After about 30 minutes, untie the muslin cloth and transfer paneer to a plate. Mash and knead crumbled paneer with hand until it comes together and turns into dough. Stop kneading when your palm starts to turn greasy.

4.       Divide it into 12 equal portions. Make a small ball from each portion, press it gently between your palms to flatten it and turn into round pattie. Pattie should be thick; do not press it too much otherwise it may turn thin from sides and it will break from sides while cooking.

5.       Take 4 cups of water and 1½ cups of sugar in a deep pan and start to heat over medium flame. Stir water with spatula to dissolve the sugar completely. When it comes to rolling boil, gently slide all patties.

6.       Cover pan with a lid and boil for 5-minutes over medium flame. After about 5-minutes, open the lid and flip each pattie gently with a spatula.

7.       Again, cover with a lid and cook for 7-minutes. Turn off the flame and remove the lid. As you can see, size of the pattie increases to almost double after cooking in sugar syrup. This is due to paneer absorbing the sugar syrup.

8.       Transfer it gently to a large bowl and let it cool to room temperature for 1-2 hours. After that drain each pattie and press gently between two spoons to remove excess sugar syrup. Be gentle while doing this process as it may break if you apply too much pressure.

Let’s start to make Rabri:

1.      Pour 1-liter milk in a heavy based pan and heat it over medium flame. When it comes to rolling boil, reduce flame to low and add saffron strands.

2.      Stir at regular intervals until its quantity reduces to half. You can also cook it over medium flame to speed up the process but make sure that milk doesn’t burn and stick at the bottom of the pan; stir frequently to prevent it from burning. Mix 1-teaspoon of corn flour with 1 tablespoon of water and make sure that it doesn’t have any lumps. Add 3-tablespoons sugar, corn flour-water mixture and 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder.

3.      Increase flame to medium, stir continuously and cook for around 3-4 minutes until sugar dissolves. Add drained patties and chopped pistachio.

4.      Cook for 4-5 minutes. This helps pattie absorb the milk and get the flavour from inside as well.

5.      Turn off the flame and transfer it to serving bowl. Let it cool to room temperature and then place it in refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours. Serve chilled ras malai as a dessert.